Welcome Funky Friend!

If you want to learn how to sew soft toys – you’ve come to the right place!
I know that ANYTHING you do, for the first time, is a little scary BUT I believe that ANYONE who can sew, can make and sew toys…and I’m here to help you do exactly that!
Let’s get you going… I’m here to help you
sew the cutest soft toys EVER!
1. First up – let’s START with a FREE Funky Friends Factory Pattern!
It’s EASY! Just sign up for my email Newsletter and I’ll give you a thank you gift! I’ll give you my
Honey Teddy Pattern
Click the big orange button, fill out the form and then keep an eye on your inbox! 💌👀

2. Watch this VIDEO!
I have a video of making my Honey Teddy – so you can see how it’s done and get to see the basics of sewing softies!

2. Watch this VIDEO!
I have a video of making my Honey Teddy – so you can see how it’s done and get to see the basics of sewing softies!
3. Take a Toy-making Course!
I have learnt a LOT about sewing soft toys over the last 20 years and I have combined all the tips & tricks I’ve learned into a beginner’s guide to make & sew toys!
If you want to find out ALL you need to know – to get started sewing soft toys – this course is for YOU!
it’s ✨free!✨

4. Come join the Fan Club!
This PRIVATE Facebook Group is a great place to ask a question if you’re stuck!
You’ll have access to a WHOLE BUNCH of friendly people who have sewn the Funky Friends Factory toy patterns – some more recently than me!!!!
I’ve done the best I can with my instructions and photo tutorials BUT the Club Members have LOTS of helpful advice from THEIR experience of sewing the patterns. If you let us know where you’re stuck they’ll jump in and help you!

4. Come join the Fan Club!
This PRIVATE Facebook Group is a great place to ask a question if you’re stuck!
You’ll have access to a WHOLE BUNCH of friendly people who have sewn the Funky Friends Factory toy patterns – some more recently than me!!!!
I’ve done the best I can with my instructions and photo tutorials BUT the Club Members have LOTS of helpful advice from THEIR experience of sewing the patterns. If you let us know where you’re stuck they’ll jump in and help you!

5. Lastly, if you want to get started sewing right NOW!!!!
Be brave!!! Just JUMP IN AND TRY!
It’s not the end of the world if you make a mistake. Unpick and try again. I unpick a LOT myself!
OK, don’t forget to post a pic on the Facebook group when you’re done – we’re ALL waiting there to see your first Funky Friend!!!
bye for now,
PS — Soft toys are NOT just for babies!
There’s something for everyone! Soft toys for birthdays, valentines Halloween, you name – we’ve got you covered!!!!
Click the Beginners Button to see all the EASY patterns!